Tracie Couper

Tracie Couper is Spirit & Destiny’s features editor.
Tracie joined the team in 2012, and prior to that had spent 12 years working on weekly magazines, including Woman, Chat and Real People.
Her journalism career began with a Degree in Journalism, followed by a number of years working as crime reporter and health correspondent and general news reporter on a number of newspapers in the North West, including the Lancashire Evening Post and the Blackpool Gazette.
Joining the Spirit & Destiny team brought a very different experience from Tracie’s early years as a journalist. Gone were the morning calls to the local emergency services to find out whether ‘anything of interest had happened overnight’ and hours spent sitting in courtrooms covering trials.
In their place was a magical world of modern-day witches, spirit guides, manifestation and a host of fascinating people keen to share their spiritual trials, tribulations, discoveries and awakenings.
During her time with Spirit & Destiny, she’s had the pleasure of interviewing 80s musician Howard Jones – a poster of whom adorned the teenage Tracie’s wall – about his love of meditation and Buddhism.
Tracie feels perfectly at home writing about all things magical, mystical and spiritual. Her nan’s birthday was Halloween, her mum LOVES a psychic reading and her 11-year-old daughter has a very impressive crystal collection…