Best astrology books to give you a better understanding of the stars

These books will shine a light on the subject whether you're a beginner or an expert.


by Samantha Price |
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Do you want to delve deeper into the world of astrology? Are you looking to broaden your horizons when it comes to your understanding of the zodiac? Curious to learn all about the star signs? If you're a beginner eager to dive in, the best astrology books might shine a light on the subject.

Astrology is incredibly vast, with knowledge spanning over centuries. After all, there are star signs, symbols, elements, houses, aspects, synastry and birth charts. So it's no wonder learning about it can be confusing! However, no matter how challenging, it can also be rewarding when you know your stuff.

Not only can it give a deeper insight into yourself, but it can also open your eyes to what's happening in the world around you. Or, on the other hand, it can also be a bit of a fun hobby to pass the time.

Either way, if you're wanting to learn more, the best astrology books will act as your guide to learn more about this ancient subject that's had civilisations fascinated for millennia.

Where do I start with learning astrology?

Learning astrology takes time, and it certainly doesn't happen overnight. With lots of different details to memorise, it's a subject that can be daunting for beginners.

Before mastering astrology, you must become familiar with your own zodiac sign. Get to know the traits and temperament of your sign, but don't be disheartened if you don't relate to all of it. Seeing the signs more as archetypes is the best route to understanding astrology. That way, you can relate to the signs as you see fit.

Once you know your sign well and feel like you can progress, learn about the rest of the signs in the zodiac. Before long, you'll be able to read and understand your own birth chart. First, however, it's best to stick to the basics…

Best astrology books

Best astrology book for beginners


Rrp: $14.99

Price: $8.85
Alternative retailers
Target$14.99View offer

This detailed yet easy-to-read guide shows the reader all about sun signs, rising signs, aspects, houses, birth charts and more. There are sections of this book dedicated to applying the knowledge you've learned to different areas in your life, such as work matters or relationships, which could be considered useful.

Review: "Honestly, the best breakdown on birth chart knowledge I have ever read. I would recommend this book if you want to understand certain mannerisms of your sign for sure. It’s extremely accurate."

Best intermediate astrology book

Secrets of the universe

Rrp: $18.50

Price: $13.80

If you looking to discover your dharma - your life's purpose this book can offer some insight by glancing at the rulers of your Midheaven and north node in your birth chart. This book is a great guide which helps you to understand how the world works, with specific guidance on how we can harness our personal creative power.

Review: "Pam Gregory, my absolute favourite astrologer ever (I have been following astrology for over 45 years), is one of the most sophisticated, generally well-educated ladies I have ever come across. I cannot recommend this book highly enough, I consider myself well versed in basic amateur astrology, but Pam has opened a new channel in this latest book, giving insight."

Best advanced astrology book

Planets in Composite
Price: $19.99
Alternative retailers
Target$16.18View offer

If you are looking for some guidance on how to check your compatibility or are curious about the most astrologically aligned possible partners for you, this book can provide practical wisdom. It offers a combination of information on each person's birth chart to generate a third chart focused on the relationship. This book would be ideal for a more advanced astrologer looking to learn about the interworkings of compatibility.

Review: "It is a must-have book if you are practising astrology and working with relationships."

Best astrology book for everyday life

Price: $25.67

Our top pick

One of the best astrology books out there for beginners that we could find with thousands of raving reviews, this simplistic and easy-to-follow guide teaches you the basics. As well as detailed explanations of the different topics of astrology, it also has a chapter on life events. This astrology book shows how to apply what you've learned to your everyday life.

Review: "Being new to the subject of Astrology I was very pleased to come across this incredibly well-written, informative and very readable book that explained the nuances of a potentially complex and intriguing subject. I thoroughly recommend this book! It serves as a detailed reference and as a primary source for research for those aspiring to become experts in the real science of Astrology and for those that have a non-academic interest in the subject."

Best detailed astrology book

Price: $16.95

With a refreshing sense of humour, The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology brings the reader on a journey of everything need to know about astrology. A thorough guide with explanations, truly covering all topics, this one is great for beginners as it keeps you engaged throughout.

Review: "I loved how methodical this book is. All the signs and houses are explained in detail and in baby steps so that the material is digestible even for a beginner like me. The inner structure of the signs is thoroughly explained, i.e. by elements and modalities, so that you understand why the signs have particular leanings. Most other sun sign astrology books just give you a description of the signs without much reason why. I highly recommend this book for beginners who want to learn the why and not just the how of astrology."

Best astrology book about birth charts


Rrp: $16.99

Price: $14.15
Alternative retailers
Target$16.99View offer

If you have a basic understanding of astrology but want to broaden your knowledge and get some insight into birth charts, this is the book for you. Breaking birth charts down into easy bits of information with diagrams to explain, you'll be reading charts in no time.

Review: "Absolute fantastic! I am a complete beginner to Astrology and was really getting lost in the other books I’d bought on the subject but the author just has a fantastic way of breaking it all down to really understand your birth chart. I’d recommend it to anyone interested in astrology and decoding their birth charts!"

Best overall astrology book


Rrp: $22.95

Price: $19.12
Alternative retailers
Macy's$22.95View offer

As in the title, this astrology book gives a great overall scope into the world of astrology. With detailed information on sun signs, this is a great beginner book to familiarise yourself with zodiac traits. Including the legends behind each sign and astrological tables spanning the last hundred years, this book contains some fantastic added bonuses.

Review: "I decided I wanted to learn more about astrology once I discovered what a natal chart was, and as someone who had only ever looked into sun signs and the horoscopes you get in magazines or online, I found this book extremely interesting and informative. It covers a wide range of subjects like origins of horoscopes, relationship compatibility and has pages on each sun sign and then each planet and what it means in each sign and house."

Best personal astrology book

Price: $75 (was £95)

Interpret your own chart in a detailed and analytical way thanks to this beautiful and personal book. Giving insight into the position of the planets the day that you were born, this book is all about you. This astrology book would also make a special gift for a friend who enjoys astrology.

Review: "I love that it gives the overall description of each planet, as well as your personal sign. The illustrations are beautiful and elegant. I bought one for myself and my sister."

Best astrology book about birthdays


Rrp: $45.00

Price: $30.90
Alternative retailers
Target$32.57View offer
Macy's$45.00View offer

Combining astrology and numerology, this book gives highly thought-out profiles behind every day of the year. Get a snapshot of your personality with this insightful book. Analyse the birthdays of your friends, family and celebrities to test the accuracy of The Secret Language of Birthdays.

Review: "I love this book. It was originally borrowed to me by a friend, but I found I referred to it so much I decided it was one I needed to buy for myself. Not only do the guides describe personalities accurately for the birth dates I was looking at, there is also in-depth information on the zodiac signs, sign degrees, elements of signs, element personality traits and more. I found the book rather fascinating and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in zodiac signs and personality guides."

Best astrology book for lovers

From the cofounder of the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London, Liz Earle, writes about compatibility and understanding of the signs in a romantic relationship. From the subtle to the not-so-subtle nuances of certain signs, the author of this book frames astrology about love in a way the reader can easily understand.

Review: 4 out of 5 stars on Goodreads

Best astrology book about relationships


Rrp: $24.99

Price: $14.29
Alternative retailers
Target$24.99View offer

From the same author as The Secret Language of Birthdays comes another great astrology book - this time navigating relationships between signs and how it applies in life. From relationships with friends and family to colleagues, and of course, romantic relationships, this guide offers insight into how to communicate with the different signs in different situations. 

Review: "Can find every single type of relationship in here. It is like an encyclopedia."

Best interactive astrology book


Rrp: $16.95

Price: $14.39
Alternative retailers
Target$8.99View offer
Macy's$10.99View offer
Walmart$11.40View offer
UncommonGoods$19.00View offer

If you're more of a hands-on or interactive learner, this workbook is an amazing way to get involved and learn on the go. It's easily broken down into parts and gives you learning exercises to help your memory and understanding of each sign.

Review: "This goes step by step through each section and ends with exercises to help you utilise what you have learnt in each chapter which is very helpful. You build on your own chart as you go which is a very clever idea. Some of the websites mentioned no longer work but it is easy to find others which will create your natal chart for free. I knew a little about astrology before I started and though not even halfway through this book I know a lot more already.

How was astrology was created?

The concept of astrology is one that's had multiple origins across different cultures, with the earliest references originating from Babylonia in the ancient region of Mesotopia, known today as Kuwait and Iraq. They were the first to use astrological symbols that represented tasks to do with the seasons, such as fishing or hunting.

Other ancient cultures across India, China and South America have had a huge influence on modern-day astrology as we know it. With Mayans naming the constellation Scorpio, 'scorpion,' Eygyptians dividing the signs into decans, and Chinese astrology putting emphasis on the elements, it's easy to see why.

Later being taken on by Ancient Greece and Rome, astrology made its way into Western culture. In fact, the modern-day star signs and their symbols come from Greek mythology! Translations of Arabic works made their way to Spain in the Medieval era, helping to shape Western astrology as we know it.

Finally, however, the Renaissance era might be the closest to what we consider modern astrology. St. Mark's Clock in Venice, Italy which was built in the late 15th century depicts a zodiac wheel. This wheel is more or less exactly what we would use to decipher our birth charts today!

Samantha Price is a Commercial Content Writer at Spirit & Destiny covering topics such as fashion, beauty and wellness. She joined Bauer Media as an intern at heat and Closer, and just a few months later, in 2022 scored a role as a Commercial Content Writer for Mother & Baby, Yours and Spirit & Destiny covering topics on family life. After a year of writing for these brands, Samantha joined the Fashion, & Beauty team.

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